Selasa 11 Jul 2017 20:07 WIB

Probably Rizieq still enjoy praying in Holy Land: Iriawan

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Amien Rais and Habib M. Rizieq Shihab (right)
Foto: Penasihat hukum Habib Rizieq
Amien Rais and Habib M. Rizieq Shihab (right)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Metro Police Chief Mochammad Iriawan said Habib M. Rizieq Shihab is still abroad. He got no clue on the timing of Habib Rizieq departure to Indonesia. 

Therefore, Iriawan could not set the date to question Habib Rizieq as the suspect of alleged steamy chat conversation. 

"Probably, he still enjoying his moment there, to pray. We will wait," he said at Jakarta Metro Police headquarters on Tuesday (July 11).

Iriawan believed Habib Rizieq would pray for Indonesia during his stay in Holy Land.

"He might pray for my health and safety, and also for Indonesia," he said jokingly.

Also read: Police refuse to stop Rizieq's alleged steamy chat case investigation

On May 29, 2017, Habib Rizieq was officially named as a suspect in the pornographic case after screenshots of sexually explicit WhatsApp chats that allegedly happened between Habib Rizieq and a treason suspect Firza Husein went viral.

Habib Rizieq asserted his departure to the Holy Land is not an escape. He missed twice of the summons by the police since leaving Jakarta to perform umrah. "I did not run away from legal responsibility, but I did it as a form of resistance against injustice, falsehood and the inappropriate law enforcement," he explained on June 16.



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