Kamis 13 Jul 2017 07:30 WIB

Police arrest two men allegedly attack IT expert

Rep: Mabruroh, Kamran Dikarma/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Lauren Paliyama (blue shirt) and Edwin Hitipeuw (yellow shirt) have been named as suspects in the alleged attack to the IT expert, Hermansyah. Police arrested them on Wednesday (July 12).
Foto: Antara/Rivan Awal Lingga
Lauren Paliyama (blue shirt) and Edwin Hitipeuw (yellow shirt) have been named as suspects in the alleged attack to the IT expert, Hermansyah. Police arrested them on Wednesday (July 12).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEPOK -- Jaguar team of Depok Metro Police along with Directorate of Criminal Investigation of Jakarta Metro Police and East Jakarta Resort Police, have arrested alleged attackers of telematics expert Hermansyah, Wednesday (12/7). 

The two perpetrators, Lauren Paliyama (31 years) and Edwin Hitipeuw (37) were ambushed around 01:00 am at Sawangan, Depok City, East Java. 

Meanwhile, Chief of Police Criminal Investigation Depok Police Teguh Nugroho said the joint team are still chasing three others who involved in this case. They are Erick (20), Domamce (21), and a woman. 

Teguh said Edwin and Laurens had met with the wife of Hermansyah, Irina Ustinova, who recognized them as a raider of her husband. 

The two attackers known to work as debt collector. The police said the victim did not have any debt issue.  

"They attack spontaneously after their cars were grazing," Spokesman of National Police Setyo Wasisto said on Wednesday.

Also read: Police have sketches of three suspects in Hermansyah's case

Based on the information from the suspects, the incident started when Edwin was driving and grazing Hermansyah's car on Jagorawi Toll Road on Sunday (July 9), early morning. 

In an emotional condition, Hermansyah pursues dan blocks Edwin's car. Furthermore, there was a quarrel between the victim and the suspect Edwin who was backed by four of his friends, including Laurens. 

Edwin hit Hermansyah who tried to defend himself. Then Laurens hacked him with a knife.

"We are still working on the case to see whether there was other motive," Setyo said.


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