Kamis 13 Jul 2017 08:34 WIB

Ministers must be ready for reshuffle: Presidential staff

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Chief Presidential Staff Teten Masduki
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Chief Presidential Staff Teten Masduki

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Chief Presidential Staff Teten Masduki said that all ministers and other state officials must be prepared to be reshuffled or replaced anytime.

"All ministers must be ready (to be reshuffled) anytime," Masduki stated, after attending a coordination meeting on malnutrition here, on Wednesday.

Masduki made the remark in response to the rumors in the media on the fourth cabinet reshuffle in the current administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"I have no idea about it, and so far, no discussion has been made concerning the reshuffle rumors. The matter is the president's right," he noted.