Ahad 16 Jul 2017 07:13 WIB

Govt has strong reason for issuing Perppu: Tjahjo

Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo
Foto: Antara
Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo said that the government has a solid reason for issuing Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) No. 2 Year of 2017 on Amendment of Law No. 17 Year of 2013 on Mass Organizations (Ormas).

"The government has a strong reason for issuing the Perppu. The existing law is no longer adequate (to handle errant Ormas)," Tjahjo Kumolo stated in Jakarta on Saturday.

"There are three main considerations of the government in issuing the Perppu. The government's step to issue the Perppu is in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 138 / PUU-VII / 2009. It suggests that a Perppu could be issued based on the presence of compelling situation to solve legal problems quickly based on the law," Kumolo noted.

Thus, according to Kumolo, the Perppu can be issued if the absence of legal provisions could not be overcome by a new law that could not be produced quickly. "The existing legal regulation is not sufficient," the minister remarked.

After all, the process of drafting Perppu No. 2 Year of 2017 also involved many parties.

"Among them were the government, lawyers, academics, religious leaders, customary leaders, community leaders, and other parties," Kumolo revealed, stressing that Perppu No.2 year of 2017 does not target any particular religion or organization.

Also read: 'Perppu 2/2017 is not intended only for one organization'

"It is (issued) as part of the state's obligation to protect the state's sovereignty based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution," Tjahjo added.

According to the minister, the government is currently preparing concrete steps to implement Perppu No. 2/1017 without exerting the repressive way as was rumored of late.

"The government team, chaired by the chief minister for political, legal and security affairs, has been working and collecting information related to mass organizations, which have violated the regulations," he remarked.

sumber : Antara
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