Kamis 20 Jul 2017 00:02 WIB

Police arrest scammers who made jokowiiriana@gmail.com

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Suspects of scam case were presented at Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday (July 19). They were suspected making fake email jokowiiriana@gmail.com for personal gain.
Foto: Arif Satrio Nugroho/Republika
Suspects of scam case were presented at Jakarta Metro Police on Wednesday (July 19). They were suspected making fake email jokowiiriana@gmail.com for personal gain.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Metro Police have arrested three foreigners over online scam. Two of the perpetrators were Republic of Guinea nationals and one other was Liberian citizen.

"They made an email account namely jokowiiriana@gmail.com as if it was the president private email," Spokesperson of Jakarta Metro Police Argo Yuwono said in his office on Wednesday (July 19) afternoon.

By using the email account, the three perpetrators sent a request to 51 state-owned companies. They asked the targeted victims to support Joko Widodo in the general election 2019.

Argo said one of the suspect, Kaba Sulaiman (46 years old) who is Republic of Guinea national worked as conceptor. He was hired to set the concept of scam. The police raided him at Aston Rasuna Hotel, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (July 18). 

Kaba was invited by Daniel who is a Liberian citizen. 

According to deputy director of Special Criminal Investigation of Jakarta Metro Police, Ahmad Yusef, Kaba is a criminal specialized in transnational crime. 

"He was invited here to arrange the concept of letter to make it look convincing. Therefore he placed Garuda logo on the top left of letterhead of the letter and President of Republic of Indonesia's logo on the top right and completed it with the president's signature," Ahmad explained.

Daniel was raided at Green Lake Sunter Apartement, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta on Wednesday (July 19).

Meanwhile, one other suspect namely Ria Situmorang who is a 26 years old Indonesian also arrested at the same apartment. Ria is Daniel's wife. 

Police said the perpetrators did it for personal gain.

The fake letter was prepared in Bahasa and English. "In the letter, the perpetrators put Joko Widodo's name, email, phone number, and use Jokowi's photo in the Whatsapp profile picture," Argo said.

The picture of fake latter went viral in the social media about a week ago. The case was reported by chief of commissioner PT Pembangunan Perumahan who received the email. He conveyed the information to his aquintance in the State Palace as he felt the letter looked suspicious. 

From there, he was aware the letter is fake. Therefore, the victim file a police report to the Cyber Crime Unit of Jakarta Metro Police.    

The perpetrators are threatened with Article 263 and / or Article 264 and / or Article 378 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 35 Juncto Article 51 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 Year 2016 on Amendment to Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions.

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