Rabu 26 Jul 2017 01:05 WIB

Komnas HAM warns govt on dissolution of mass organization

National Commission of Human Rights (Komanas HAM) Chairman Nur Kholis
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
National Commission of Human Rights (Komanas HAM) Chairman Nur Kholis

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Commission of Human Rights (Komanas HAM) considered the dissolution of community organization through Regulation in Lieu of Law (Perppu) on mass organizations (Perppu) No.2 of 2017 on Mass Organization as a restriction on the right to association.

Komnas HAM Chairman Nur Kholis, said the dissolution of mass organization, such as experienced by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), should be through court decision. Because if it was not, Kholis assessed, Perppu on Mass Organization would disrupt the function of democracy within the community.

"Therefore, the dissolution of the (mass) organization should be through the court," Kholis said at Komnas HAM office on Tuesday (July 25).

Also read: Komnas HAM asks police to postpone legal confirmation against HTI

Kholis said the restrictions and arrangements through the Perppu did not full fill the main discussion requirements relating to the "necessary" element in a democratic country. So Komnas HAM reminded the government to continue using the court mechanism before dissolving mass organizations.

Also read: HTI through long-term assessment: President" href="http://en.republika.co.id/berita/en/national-politics/17/07/19/otc86j414-dissolution-of-hti-through-longterm-assessment-president" target="_blank">Dissolution of HTI through long-term assessment: President

"We are warning the government to keep the court mechanism for dissolution so that the organization has the chance to explain who they are and use their right to defend themselves," he said. (Kamran Dikarma)

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