Selasa 15 Aug 2017 00:03 WIB

Novel Baswedan expresses his disappointment to the police

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Senior investigators of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Novel Baswedan
Foto: Ist
Senior investigators of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Novel Baswedan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- After being questioned by the National police investigators team on Monday, Novel Baswedan expressed his disappointment. Novel's advocacy team, Alghiffari Aqsa, said his client was upset the police publicized names of key witnesses.  

"Police should protect and guard the key witnesses so they can give informations freely and securely," Aqsa said in a written statement made available to, Monday.

Novel assessed the investigators were hasty in drawing their own conclusion then made the information open to the public. He got the impression that the police were covering certain parties. 

"I'm talking about people who lurked me in front of my house. The police named them "eagle eyes"," Novel said, imitated by Aqsa.

Also read: 'If Novel is criminalized, it may be a police sentiment'

According to Novel, one of those people tried to enter his house by pretending to buy men's robe. 

Novel also upset that there was no fingerprint found in the cup used to splash acid liquid to his face while it could be served as important evidence. 

Furthermore, Novel disappointed the investigators kept a distance with his family by not providing a Notification of Progress Result (SP2HP) to the family.

"I've been told by one of Special Detachment (Densus) 88 member who conducted investigation and found indication of perpetrators. He showed me photo of suspected assailants," Novel said quoted by Aqsa. 

Novel gave the photo to his brother and it was shown to people around the scene. His brother asked whether they recognize the photo. Many of them recognize the image and they believed the person as a spy or executor. 

The photograph was then given to Jakarta Metro Police chief and Director of General Crime of Jakarta Metro


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