Rabu 16 Aug 2017 01:02 WIB

Anti-terror squad arrest five people in Bandung

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Police officers secured a number of items in the suspected terrorist arrest area in Jajaway, Antapani Kidul, Bandung, West Java, on Tuesday (August 15).
Foto: Antara/Agus Bebeng
Police officers secured a number of items in the suspected terrorist arrest area in Jajaway, Antapani Kidul, Bandung, West Java, on Tuesday (August 15).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- The Densus 88 anti-terror squad has arrested five terror suspects at two different locations in Kampung Jajway, Antapani Kidul Village, Bandung City, at 6 a.m. local time on Tuesday.

"It is true that three suspected terrorists were arrested this morning," Head of the West Java Police Public Relations Senior Commissioner Yusri Yunus stated at the arrest site on Tuesday.

Three suspected terrorists were arrested in Kampung Jajway at RT.07 RW.18 in Bandung City, while two others were taken into custody at RT.02 RW.17 in Kampung Jajway, Bandung City.

Currently, all suspects have been taken to the Indonesian Police Headquarters, while the police are still conducting investigation at the locations.

The police have cordoned off the locations for further investigation and as a precautionary measure against the likely presence of dangerous materials.

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