Selasa 05 Sep 2017 20:39 WIB

Congress of Indonesian Advocate asks Myanmar to end cruelty against Rohingya

Rep: Dyah Ratna Meta Novia/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Member of Islamic Student Association (HMI) wear a mask of Myanmar State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in a solidarity rally to support Rohingya Muslims, in front of DPRD Malang, East Java, on Monday (September 4).
Member of Islamic Student Association (HMI) wear a mask of Myanmar State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in a solidarity rally to support Rohingya Muslims, in front of DPRD Malang, East Java, on Monday (September 4).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President of the Congress of Indonesian Advocate Luthfi Yazid said his organization very concerned with recent humanitarian crisis in Myanmar.

"We profoundly disappointed and saddened by the ethnic cleansing operation (genocide) and crimes against humanity of Rohingya under the hands of Myanmar government, Myanmar military forces and monk Wirathu, the hateful and racist monk against Moslem ethnicity of Rohingya," said Lutfhi in a press release received by, on Monday, (September 4).

Congress of Indonesian Advocate noticed there are various official reports and reliable news sources informing many people have been victim of humanitarian crisis in Rakhine where many civilians lost their lives as if they were worthless.

As an active part of international community, Luthfi said the congress aware and realize that Nobel Peace prize winner as well as the State Counsellor of Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi, has failed to fulfill her duty to maintain peace and protect the human rights of the Rohingya as she seemingly didn't admit the humanitarian crisis happening in her own country by her continuous silence.

Also read: Suu Kyi under pressure as almost 125,000 Rohingya flee violence

"In an effort to put an end to this biggest crisis in our region, we as an advocate organization respecting the universal values and principles of the human rights, strongly protest the Myanmar government whose failed to protect their citizens," Luthfi said.

The Congress of Indonesian Advocate as an advocate association which respecting the universal humanitarian principles and values under UDHR and other related conventions, therefore asked the Myanmar Bar Association to urge the Government of Myanmar to stop any cruel actions to degrade human dignity for whatever reasons.

"We urged Myanmar to punish any suspected persons, including monk Wirathu, before the trial and to be given any appropriate punishment and to grant citizenship status to Rohingya ethnicity," Luthfi said.

The congress also highly recommended United Nations and ASEAN to investigate and take any objective necessary measures towards the government of Myanmar and bring the suspected persons before the International Court to ask for a responsibility towards the biggest crimes against humanity of this century.

"Help and provide any basic necessity needed by the Rohingyas and prevent the casualties to fall further. We respectfully asking Myanmar Bar Association to be able to call for a halt to the suppression of human rights in Myanmar," he said while urging the Nobel Committee to revoke the Nobel Peace prize awarded to Aung San Suu Kyi.

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