Kamis 21 Sep 2017 21:39 WIB

Islamic New Year must be the momentum of spiritual awakening

Rep: Reiny Dwinanda/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Vice Chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) cleric Zainut Tauhid Saadi
Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi
Vice Chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) cleric Zainut Tauhid Saadi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice Chairman of Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) cleric Zainut Tauhid Saadi called on Muslims to make the New Year 1 Muharram 1439 Hijriyah as the momentum of spiritual awakening.

"The resurrection is based on faith, knowledge and righteous deeds in order to realize personal piety towards social piety to be beneficial to the people and the nation," cleric Zainut said in Jakarta, Thursday (September 21).

Cleric Zainut said MUI invited Muslims to develop tolerance (tasamuh), balance (tawazun) and  be fair (i'tidal) in practicing religious teachings. 

Therefore, Muslims will not be trapped in contradictions and narrow conflicts (furu'iyyat) in practicing the religious teachings in order to realize the Islamic brotherhood (ukhuwah Islamiyyah) . He said it is essential to the unity of the people and nation.

"We call on all components of the nation to develop tolerance and insight of the real diversity," he said.

Furthermore, cleric Zainut noted public welfare has not been fully felt by all Indonesian. In order to close the gap and injustice, he asked the government to work and side with the interest of the people. 

MUI also called on Muslims and Indonesian people to make the Islamic New Year as the year of social concern. Cleric Zainut appealed state-owned enterprises and entrepreneurs to raise the potential of zakat, charity and alms. 

"Let's do it as a reflection of human values, compassion, care, and helping each other," he said.

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