Selasa 26 Sep 2017 03:20 WIB

Indonesia able to supply 8 million tons palm oil to Europe

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Palm oil. (Illustration)
Palm oil. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia is able to supply up to eight million tons of sustainable palm oil to the European market to meet demand in the region estimated to reach six million tons by 2020.

"We are able to supply not only six but up to eight million tons," the secretary general of Indonesia Palm Oil Association (GAPKI), Togar Sitanggang, said in a press release received here on Monday.

In a Colorful Indonesia Festival in Paris, France, on Saturday he said Indonesia was able to meet demand of the European market upon condition that EU countries could accept Indonesian Sustaiable Palm Oil certification.

"Accepting ISPO certificate means recognizing the Indonesian government's credibility because ISPO certification is a compulsory standard imposed by the Indonesian government," he said.