Selasa 17 Oct 2017 18:18 WIB

Hermansyah's investigation report to be completed today

Rep: Ali Yusuf, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Four perpetrators assault the telematics experts from the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Hermansyah, namely Edwin Hitipeuw, Lauren Paliyama, Erick Birahy and Richard Patipelu. They were presented during a press conference disclosure case in Jakarta Police, Thursday (July 13).
Foto: Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto
Four perpetrators assault the telematics experts from the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Hermansyah, namely Edwin Hitipeuw, Lauren Paliyama, Erick Birahy and Richard Patipelu. They were presented during a press conference disclosure case in Jakarta Police, Thursday (July 13).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Police confirmed police investigation report (BAP) of attack and abuse case against Hermansyah would be completed on Tuesday (October 17). 

Previously, Jakarta High Prosecutors' Office (Kejati) rejected the investigation report because one of evidences was not suitable or appropriate.

"We will immediately send back the investigation report to public prosecutors tomorrow," said the head of Jakarta Police violent crimes unit, Hendy F Kurniawan when contacted by, Tuesday (October 17).

According to him, BAP of Hermasnyah's case would be sent after investigator has finished checking the doctor of Gatot Subroto Army Hospital (RSPAD). They conducted the checking at 16.00 pm today.

Handy explained on October 11, investigators summoned RSPAD doctor, related to information on visum et repertum (VER) or asked to convey the results of physician's examination of the condition of Hermansyah.

"Yesterday we were still coordinating and can not meet the doctor who signed the VER. So, the appointment on today at 16.00 pm," Handy added.

Kejati DKI Jakarta rejected BAP five suspects of Hermansyah case from the investigator of Jakarta Police. BAP Lauren Paliyaman, Edwin Hitipeuw, Erik, Richard and Domingus were rejected because it was incomplete.

Hermansyah, a telematics expert from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) suffered knife attack after several people approached his car on Sunday (July 9) at Jagorawi Toll Road at 04:00 am. At that time, he was driving with his wife, Iriana.

According to the police, at the sixth kilometer of Jagorawi toll road, a car that has been running zig zag bumped into Hermansyah's car. The victim was pissed off and decided to pursue the car. He then urged the driver to stop.

After catching up with the car, Hermansyah asked the driver of the car to step out. Suddenly, five people came out from the car. They argued and immediately attacked Hermansyah. One of the attackers use knife.

The perpetrators said the attack was caused by quarrel between them and Hermansyah after Edwin's car grazed Hermansyah's car. Hermansyah chased the car and the the quarried started.

Lauren arrived on the scene to help his brother Edwin and allegedly stabbed Hermansyah. Edwin also said he assaulted Hermansyah's wife, Iriana.

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