Sabtu 28 Oct 2017 09:21 WIB

Answering Yusril, Tjahjo explains his statement on Ormas law

Rep: Umar Mukhar, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo
Foto: Republika/Dian Erika N
Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo responded to critic conveyed by constitutional expert Yusril Ihza Mahendra. According to Yusril, Tjahjo should clarify his statement during plenary meeting of the House of Representatives (DPR) on last Tuesday (Oct 24).

Yusril assessed Tjahjo statement when discussing Lieu of Law No. 2/2017 on Mass Organizations contained double meaning, especially about atheism, communism, marxism, and leninism.

"Ormas law must be read as a whole, including Perppu No. 2/2017 as the material. It explained that atheism, communism, marxism, leninism are prohibited because it is clearly contradictory to Pancasila. Other than that, it mentioned if there is a contradiction to Pancasila, it is forbidden" Tjahjo said to, on Thursday (Oct 26) night.

However, Tjahjo also acknowledged there are many concepts other than mentioned in Perppu No. 2/2017 that have been growing rapidly. Those concept, he said, are trying to replace Pancasila.

"Other than concepts that already be forbidden and concepts mentioned in Ormas law and Perppu Ormas, there are concepts that have been growing rapidly. The concepts intended to replace Pancasila," he explained.

Yusril said, that statement has a double meaning. 

"The first meaning, organizations that turned out to develop ideology or teachings that contradict Pancasila are exist and the number is many. Those organizations grew so fast in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, the second meaning, that the concepts of atheism, communism, leninism and marxism -- that develops ideology or teachings that contradict Pancasila -- were growing rapidly in Indonesia.

"So which one of these two meaning is true according to Tjahjo? I think he needs to make clarification about this to prevent misunderstandings," Yusril said.

On October 24, the House of Representatives passed Perppu Ormas into law.

Based on the attendance of 445 members of the House, as many as 314 members agreed the Perppu and 131 members refused it.

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