Kamis 16 Nov 2017 00:45 WIB

Nasdem nominates Jokowi as candidate for 2019 election

Joko Widodo
Foto: Antara/Puspa Perwitasari
Joko Widodo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Democrat (NasDem) Party officially nominated Joko Widodo (Jokowi) as its presidential candidate in the 2019 presidential election.

"The NasDem Party has officially renominated Pak (Mr) Jokowi as president in the Presidential Election 2019," Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, said in his speech at the opening of the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) IV of NasDem, which was opened by Jokowi in JIExpo Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday night.

Jokowi is also welcome to accept the charter of support.

"From today, as chairman of the NasDem party, I would like to see the readiness of each party cadres of the NasDem, from each branches and units of the party, all members of the NasDem party legislators, and the regional heads of the NasDem party, to work towards victory in the 2019 General Election. NasDem Is My Party, Jokowi is My President!," Paloh remarked.

NasDem party consistently holds the principle of supporting Jokowi in the next presidential election, he added.

He noted that NasDem's ideals have so far not been fully achieved, but he is proud of its achievements.

"I say honestly, it is still far from this (ideal) of what is expected, especially from the ideals, but it should be noted clearly and firmly that a small victory has been won. It has won 7 percent of the people votes in the last election in 2014. We already have Jokowi, the president who is totally supported by this party," Paloh revealed.

He added that the party was still young, which is 6 years old, but it has a big dream.

"For six years, the NasDem Party has proved that we are consistent with our commitment towards the movement of change: starting from ourselves not to pretend, not to differ from what we say and what we do from what have been voiced from the beginning till date," he revealed.

Paloh has fought in every age, from the Old Order, the New Order, until the Reform Order. "In 1998 Post-Reform, we yearned for an authentic leader, who would be the antithesis of the overdosed political imaging, which puts the people's interests above personal and group desires," he explained.

The longing, he added, was answered when Indonesia was led by president Jokowi, the nation's best son who stands for one word and deed.

"The president, who does not complain and is not easily tired, surrenders to the progress of the nation and the State he leads," he remarked.

In the period of Jokowi's leadership, the fuel price in Papua was similar to that in Java. Under his command, Jokowi saw the great dreams of Bung Karno realized in order to build highways that opens every access from the city and village.

"In the hands of Jokowi, the national development which Pak Harto had pioneered is again activated where the reservoirs, dams and irrigation, continue to be built as a commitment to build self-sufficient food and economic self-reliance," he said.

The most remarkable change is that the Indonesian children now live hopefully, joking and laughing with their president, as he visits every corner of the country distributing news of joy, optimism, and real work, Paloh pointed out.

sumber : Antara
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