Kamis 23 Nov 2017 12:06 WIB

Police deny stopping investigation of Viktor's case

Rep: Arif Satrio Nugroho, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Viktor Laiskodat
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
Viktor Laiskodat

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia National Police denied having issued a Termination of Investigation Order (SP3) on alleged blasphemy case involving Nasdem Party politician Viktor Laiskodat. The case is still under investigation by National Police's Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim).

"The news in the media stating cases of alleged blasphemy involving VL has been stopped by Bareskrim investigators is not true," said Head of Public Information Bureau of the Indonesia National Police, Rikwanto, Thursday (November 23).

Rikwanto insisted, Bareskrim investigators are still investigating reports of alleged defamation which involved Nasdem Party Faction Chairman in the House of Representative. He said investigators still need some information from witnesses who were present at the scene. 

"Investigators still need some more information from the witnesses present at the crime scene, as well as linguists as expert witnesses," he said.

He explained that considering Viktor Laiskodat is a member of the House, investigators will also perform coordination steps with the Parliament in relation to the MD3 Act. 

In relation to Parliamentary immunity, Rikwanto said, Honorary Council of the House will have to review whether Viktor's statement was conveyed in his duty as House member or not.

The case should be processed the Parliament's Honorary Council first, he added. 

Meanwhile, Director of Public Crimes on National Polices Criminal Investigation Agency, Herry Rudolf Nahak clarified his statement on Wednesday saying that Viktor's case was terminated.

He stated, the investigation was not stopped and investigators needed the results of the Parliament hearing as input for the continuation of legal process.

Therefore, it is necessary to be tested by the Honorary Council whether Viktor's statement was in the capacity as a member of the People's Legislative Assembly which was carrying out its duties as a representative of the people or capacity as a person, in accordance with Act No. 17 of 2014 regarding the immunity of members of the House of Representatives Article 224 paragraph (1) and (2) namely statements, opinions, attitudes and actions expressed within and outside the DPR meetings. (Idealisa Masyrafina)


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