Kamis 23 Nov 2017 16:05 WIB
Setnov car accident

Hilman Mattauch must report to police twice a week

Rep: Rahma Sulistya, Idealisa Masyrafina/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Former MetroTV stringer, Hilman Mattauch.
Foto: Twitter Hilman Mattauch
Former MetroTV stringer, Hilman Mattauch.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Hilman Mattauch who drove Setya Novanto (Setnov) during car accident last Thursday (November 16) did not get detained but required to report to the police every week. 

Police has named him suspect over his negligence in driving the car.

Hilman who had resigned from MetroTV following the accident came to Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters on Thursday (November 23) to report.

Legal and traffic development head of Jakarta Metro Police, Budiyanto said Hilman should report twice a week. "Yes. He should report twice a week," he told reporter, Thursday (November 23).

Also read: Jakarta Metro Police to examine Setnov on car accident case

His obligation to report was a form of surveillance. So, if the investigators needed additional informations, it would be easier for the police to find Hilman.

Hilman drove Setnov with his Toyota Fortuner with police number B 1732 ZLO on Thursday (November 16) night. The car hit electricity pole at Permata Hijau area, South Jakarta. 

There were no casualties in the accident, but Setnov was rushed to Medika Permata Hijau hospital with a black sedan that suddenly passed by to rescue him.

Hilman was suspected of violating Article 283 Juncto Article 310 of Law Number 22 Year 2009 on Road Traffic and Transport (LLAJ), with the maximum threat of three months in prison confinement. 

However, because he was not detained, Hilman must report every week. 

According to Budiyanto, Hilman was not detained because he was cooperative, did not run away and there was no indication of damaging evidence. Then, for a penalty less than five years, the suspect did not have to be arrested.

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