Kamis 14 Dec 2017 13:45 WIB

Senator Andi Mapetahang Fatwa dies at 78

Rep: Ali Mansur, Rizky Jaramaya, Zahrotul Oktaviani, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
AM Fatwa
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi Cahyadi
AM Fatwa

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Member of Regional Representatives Council (DPD) Andi Mapetahang (AM) Fatwa died at age of 78. His daughter, Dian Islamiati Fatwa reported her father exhale the last breath on Thursday (December 14) morning, at 6.25 AM at MMC Hospital Jakarta.

"Daddy, AM Fatwa, has died at 6.25 am at MMC hospital at age of 78. Please forgive him sincerely and pray for him to get the best on Allah SWT side," Dian said on Thursday (December 14).

According to AM Fatwa's nephew, Andi Agung Baso, the activist that opposed represion of the New Order suffered liver disease.

AM Fatwa will be buried at Kalibata Hero Cemetery at 15:00 pm.

Meanwhile, Vice President Jusuf Kalla remembered AM Fatwa as a true statesman who determined to realize the ideals of the nation.

"He once imprisoned, but still he continues the ideals for this nation, in the DPD, Parliament," said Kalla.

During imprisonment, AM Fatwa never stop voicing and criticizing the situation, Kalla recalled. 

"In our last conversation, he asked me to inaugurate a mosque," Kalla said.

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan expressed his condolences over the death of AM Fatwa. He said AM Fatwa was a tough fighter.

In his official Instagram account, Anies admitted to have visited AM Fatwa at MMC Hospital on Wednesday (December 13) night. He then got the sad news from the aide of the deceased.

"This morning, my phone rang and AM Fatwa is calling me. But, it was his aide that called me and conveyed the sad news if he just died," Anies said through Instagram.

Anies said in the past few weeks AM Fatwa was treated at MMC Hospital. Yesterday his health condition has decreased and the he was transferred to ICU room.

Anies asserted that AM Fatwa is a tough fighter since he was young. Since childhood, AM Fatwa often came to Yogyakarta and was known as Islamic Student Association (PII) activist.

"Every time we discuss something, AM Fatwa always bring his written agenda, he also had high spirits, although he already 78 years old," Anies added.

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