Selasa 26 Dec 2017 00:25 WIB

Indonesian bishops call for peace in christmas message

A number of congregations attend the Christmas Mass at the Cathedral Church, Jakarta, Monday (25/12).
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
A number of congregations attend the Christmas Mass at the Cathedral Church, Jakarta, Monday (25/12).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Conference of Indonesian Bishops (KWI) has called on all Christians to maintain peace during Christmas 2017.

"We long for an Earth, which is full of peace, and human beings, among whom the spirit of brotherhood grows stronger. This Christmas offers the momentum to renew personal or common life together," Mgr Ingatius Suharyo, the KWI chairman, noted at the Cathedral Church, Monday.

The call for peace is based on the current condition in the community, as many people are harboring concerns over the recent threat to Indonesia's unity due to stiff political competition, those using all means possible, including those running counter to the Pancasila state ideology, according to Suharyo.

"Our country's wish to create peace and prosperity has become difficult to realize," he pointed out.

Religions have called on the people to maintain peace with fellow faith followers and all creatures created by God, he remarked.

Hence, Suharyo has called on all Christians to learn to accept differences and be grateful for it.


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