REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has inaugurated a new minister in his Working Cabinet on Wednesday (January 17). He decided to install Golkar party politician Idrus Marham to replace Khofifah Indar Parawansa who has resigned for running in East Java gubernatorial election.
"Pak Idrus fits the position," Jokowi said at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday (January 17).
Jokowi said, Khofifah's position in the cabinet could not be left emptied for long. The Ministry of Social Affairs has abundant works to be done. "Among others, distribution of the rice social assistance (Rastra), Family Hope Program (PKH) and other affairs," Jokowi explained.
In addition, he also inaugurated Marshal Yuyu Sutisna as the new chief of staff of the Air Force to replace Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto who is currently serve as TNI chief.

President Joko Widodo swore in Idrus Marham as social affairs minister, retired General Moeldoko as chief of the presidential staff, retired General Agum Gumelar as member of the Presidential Advisory Board (Watimpres), and Marshal Yuyu Sutisna as the new chief of staff of the Air Force, at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday (January 17).
Meanwhile, Jokowi also installed retired General Moeldoko, former commander of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) as chief of the presidential staff to succeed Teten Masduki.
Furthermore, Jokowi has also swore in retired General Agum Gumelar as member of the Presidential Advisory Board (Watimpres).