Kamis 18 Jan 2018 05:55 WIB

Fredrich Yunadi to file pretrial motion against KPK

Rep: Dian Fath Risalah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Tersangka kasus merintangi, mencegah atau menggagalkan  secara langsung atau tidak langsung penyelidikan perkara KTP Elektronik  dengan tersangka Setya Novanto Fredrich Yunadi tersenyum saat akan memasuki gedung KPK untuk melakukan pemeriksaan di Kantor KPK. Jakarta, Selasa (16/1).
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
Tersangka kasus merintangi, mencegah atau menggagalkan secara langsung atau tidak langsung penyelidikan perkara KTP Elektronik dengan tersangka Setya Novanto Fredrich Yunadi tersenyum saat akan memasuki gedung KPK untuk melakukan pemeriksaan di Kantor KPK. Jakarta, Selasa (16/1).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Fredrich Yunadi's lawyer, Sapriyanto Refa, said, pretrial motion against his client's determination as suspect in alleged obstruction of justice case by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to be filed on Thursday. The suit will be submitted to South Jakarta District Court.

"We will come at around 11:00 am," Refa said to Republika.co.id via text message, on Wednesday (January 17) night.

Meanwhile, Fredrich said, the report against KPK vice chairperson, Basaria Panjaitan and KPK spokesperson Febri Diansyah has been filed to the police. He believed both of KPK officials have slandered him by saying he has given a falsifed medical record of his former client, Setya Novanto.

According to Fredrich, Basaria and Febri said that when announcing his determination as suspect on Wednesday (January 10). "Yes, I have filed the report (against them)," he said at KPK office on Wednesday.

Fredrich said, he was supposed to be questioned by KPK investigators on Wednesday. Nevertheless, he claimed the examination failed to happened. "I have not been examined yet, just ask the investigators why. I only sat at the room, drank water until my stomach feel bloated," said Fredrich.

KPK has determined Fredrich as suspect for obstructing investigation of Setya Novanto when the Golkar party chairman was a suspect in e-ID card graft case. Fredrich along with Bimanesh Sutarjo, an internist at Medika Permata Hijau hospital, allegedly conspired to manipulate Setya's medical record.

KPK believed they have made arrangement for Setya to be hospitalized following a minor car accident in November 2017, so he could miss KPK summon. 

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