Rabu 31 Jan 2018 16:25 WIB

UN Human Rights High Commissioner to visit Indonesia

Indonesia expects to learn more of human rights protection efforts.

Rep: Debbie Sutrisno, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
UN Human Rights High Commissioner, Zeid Ra'ad Husein
Foto: UN Photo/www.un.org
UN Human Rights High Commissioner, Zeid Ra'ad Husein

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- UN Human Rights High Commissioner, Zeid Ra'ad Husein will meet the invitation from Indonesian government to visit Indonesia. He is scheduled to come to Jakarta prior to his visit to Pacific regions, namely Papua New Guinea and Fiji.

Director of Human Rights and Humanities at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dicky Komar said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will welcome Zeid. In Jakarta capital, Zeid is scheduled to meet a number of state officials, including Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Religious Affairs, Minister of Law and Human Rights, Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister, and also representative from Commission III House of Representatives (DPR).

The government also scheduled Zeid to meet with National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) and some others thematic National Human Rights Commission, such as National Commission on Women and Commission for Witnesses and Victims Protection.

"We expect to learn more of human rights protection effort at the national and international levels," said Dicky on Tuesday (Jan 31).

Dicky explained the invitation to UN Human Rights High Commission is a strategic effort to commemorate 70th anniversary of UN Universal Declaration and also 25 year Komnas HAM RI in 2018.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold a regional human rights seminar taking the theme of the commemoration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and VDPA on February 5. Representative from foreign countries, institutions, and civil society groups in Indonesia will be invited.

This regional seminar will show Indonesia's leadership in strengthening the human rights agenda in the region. According to Dicky, the Indonesian Government in cooperation with other humarights stakeholders will hold an Asia Pacific regional meeting, which will present Zeid among others Business and Human Rights Regional Workshops that will be focused on Southeast region by inviting participants from Southeast member countries.

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