REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coordinating Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Minister, Wiranto visited one of Pacific island nations, Vanuatu related to economic and capacity building among countries. In his visit, he also discussed about Indonesia's attitude to Papuan people.
In a meeting with Vanuatu prime minister Enele Sopoaga, he conveyed Indonesia never oppressed Papua people , and contrary continues to strive the development of the province with others.
"Indonesia has long experience as colonized country and we have philosophical concept that say independence is the right of all nations, so it's impossible for central government to oppress friends in Papua," Wiranto said on Tuesday (Jan 30).
He also invited Vanuatu leaders to visit directly Papua and West Papua. Wiranto assessed with the direct visit, the perceptions which has spreaded during this time can change.
He said the Indonesia history was become the topic when bilateral meeting with Vanuatu President Tallis Obed Moses. He explained the country was long occupied by the Dutch and Japanese.
Therefore, in preamble Constitution of Indonesia Republic 1945 (UUD 1945) affirmed, Indonesia recognized the independence is the rights of all nations. The colonization in the world must be abolished because it is not in accordance with humanity and justice.
"Indonesia always wanted to establish cooperation with the developing countries such as Vanuatu to get rid of the new colonial model and we don't need to push each other, but need each other," Wiranto explained.