Rabu 14 Feb 2018 18:49 WIB

Novel Baswedan's brother denies Ombudsman's conclusion

Ombudsman says Novel Baswedan not cooperative when being examined by the police.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Corruption Eradication Commission senior investigator Novel Baswedan
Foto: Ist
Corruption Eradication Commission senior investigator Novel Baswedan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Taufik Baswedan denied Ombudsman's conclusion saying his brother, Novel Baswedan was not cooperative when being examined by Jakarta Metro Police investigators in August 2017. He said police investigators took a long time to examine Novel as the victim of strong acid attack.

"No, if his interrogation report is short, the examination would not take a long time. Adrianus only received a part of the report from the police. It was not a complete one," said Taufik on Tuesday (Feb 14).

Novel's examination took place on August 14, 2017, at Indonesian Embassy in Singapore. At that time, Novel was asked about the chronology of acid attack case that happened to him. In addition, he also was asked the evidences related to his statement about police general or a high-level police official's involvement in the attack.

"It's not true if Novel is uncooperative because he answers every questions and is willing to be interrogated despite his unhealthy condition, Taufik added.

However, Taufik admitted Novel did not answer the question related to his statement about police general or a high-level police official's involvement in the attack. Novel who is Corruption Eradication Commission senior investigator explained the problem is not possible to be solved by the police. He believed only an independent TGPF can handle the case.

Meanwhile, Novel's lawyer team member Alghifari Aqsa said Ombudsman's statement should be questioned. He wondered at Ombudsman's commissioner motive to make the statement.

On Wednesday (Feb 13), Ombudsman commissioner, Adrianus Meliala met with Jakarta Metro Police chief Idham Aziz and concluded that Novel was uncooperative during examination. He spoke shortly to the investigators. Therefore, the police could only resume a two to three pages police interrogation report (BAP).  

"Ombudsman usually criticizes public services and poor police administration, instead of cornering Novel who is a victim of violence," Alghifari said.

Novel was attacked by two unidentified assailants who splashed acid onto his face and eyes in April 2017. The attack happened early morning, after he performed a morning prayer (subuh) in a mosque near his house in North Jakarta.

Novel is currently still undergoing his medical treatment in Singapore. His eyes were seriously damaged and he was undergoing surgery for several times.

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