REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) has suspended the distribution license of liquid concentrate Policresulen marketed under name Albothyl that is widely used as antiseptic and sprue or oral ulceration medicine. BPOM advised the people to stop consuming Albothyl until the PT Pharos Indonesia as the manufacturer corrected indication of the product and the usage is approved by the authority.
The policy also applied to similar products. BPOM has received 38 reports from health care professionals on the side effects of Albothyl used as sprue medicine. Enlarged sprue and the sprue became an infected hole were experienced by the patients who used the limited-over the counter (OTC) topical drug.

After conducting safety review of Albothyl together with pharmacologists and clinicians from related professional association, BPOM decided to ban the usage of liquid consentrate Policresulen as local haemostatic and antiseptic during surgery and topical use to the skin, ear, nose, throat, sprue and teeth. BPOM asked medical professionals who receive complaints from their patient to file a report through website
Public are advised to use other choices of medicine contained benzydamine HCl, 1 percent povidone iodine or combination of dequalinium chloride and vitamin C.
Meanwhile, Director of Corporate Communication of PT Pharos Indonesia Ida Nurtika said the company currently is still collecting informations and data related to Albothyl product. In addition, PT Pharos will continue to coordinate and communicate with BPOM.
"We will immediately convey official information related to this matter," said Ida as confirmed by on Thursday (Feb 15).