Selasa 20 Feb 2018 10:03 WIB

Four new parties show optimism ahead of 2019 election

New parties set high target in the 2019 election.

Rep: Dian Erika Nugraheny, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Chairman of National General Election Commission (KPU) Arief Budiman poses along with a number of political parties figures during the drawing ceremony of Participant's Number in the 2019 Election, at KPU office, Jakarta, Sunday (Feb 18).
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Chairman of National General Election Commission (KPU) Arief Budiman poses along with a number of political parties figures during the drawing ceremony of Participant's Number in the 2019 Election, at KPU office, Jakarta, Sunday (Feb 18).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National General Election Commission (KPU) has officially declared four new political parties as participants of 2019 election. Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), Beringin Karya Party (GPA), the Indonesian Garuda Movement Party (PERPA) and the Indonesian Unity Party (Perindo) have passed verification as candidate in 2019 election.

Thus, there are 14 parties that become participants in 2019 election. Chairman of DPP PSI, Isyana Bagoes Oka expressed his gratitude following the verification result. She asserted PSI sets a high target to face the election vote.

"We set a high target, which is 20 percent of seats at House of Representaties (DPR), so PSI can nominate the president in the next election," said Isyana.

The target of the parliamentary seat is also confirmed by the Secretary General of Berkarya Party, Badaruddin Andi Picunang. He expected Berkarya Party could be a great party and would have representatives at all levels of at least for one seat.

"Meanwhile, if converted to the seat of the House of Representatives there are 78 election regions (dapil), meaning we have a target of 78 seats in the House, so the percentage is equal to 13.75 percent nationally," he explained.

Secretary General of Garuda Party, Abdullah Mansyuri said he will immediately mapped the party's strength to prepare for the 2019 Legislative Elections. However, Abdullah has not yet submitted in detail the mapping area.

"What we have to do is mapping, which areas we can work on, we ask people to accept us and give us a chance for a new party close to the people to represent parliament later," Abdullah said.

Secretary General of Perindo Party, Ahmad Rofiq said they are still finalizing the recruitment of candidates for the legislative election and presidential election next year. Regarding the criteria of legislative candidates, Perindo affirmed one particular thing, which is anti-corruption.

"One thing we stressed, one of the requirements for every legislative candidate is free of corruption, free of drugs so anyone who signs up, if it is related to both then he should not be in Perindo," Ahmad added.

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