Rabu 21 Feb 2018 19:53 WIB

Controversial articles on MD3 Law

President Joko Widodo is shocked by the presence of those controversial articles.

Rep: Debbie Sutrisno, Dessy Suciati Saputri, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
President Joko Widodo holds a press conference on MD3 Laws after attending National Meeting of Hubbul Wathon, on Wednesday (Feb 21).
Foto: Republika/Debbie Sutrisno
President Joko Widodo holds a press conference on MD3 Laws after attending National Meeting of Hubbul Wathon, on Wednesday (Feb 21).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was shocked by the amendment of Law No. 17/2014 on MPR, DPR, DPD, and DPRD (MD3). Currently, he still unwilling to sign the law because there are many additional articles on the law that has been passed by House of Representatives (DPR).

"President had not sign it yet and possibly he would not signed it," said Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasona H Laoly on Tuesday (Feb 20).

According to Yasonna, there were many problems in MD3 Law. A number of articles were considered inappropriate, such as the immunity rights for House of Representatives members and the articles of contempt.

In addition, there was something unreasonable with a forced summons article. Especially for the forced summons section, the government saw the policy actually already existed in the previous law and it only needed to be adjusted to the police regulations.

These are controversial articles on MD3 Law:

Article 73:

Paragraph (3): When every person as referred to in paragraph (2) fails to attend after being summonsed 3 times in a row without proper and valid reasons, the DPR shall have the right to forced summons and use National Police.

Paragraph (4) b: National Police shall fulfill the request as referred to in paragraph (4) letter a.

Paragraph (5): In the case of enforcing forced summonses as referred to in paragraph (4) b, National Police may hold every person hostage for a maximum of 30 (thirty) days.

Article 122 letter k: take legal steps and / or other measures against natural persons, groups of people, or legal entities that undermine the honor of House of Representatibes and its members.

Article 245:

Paragraph (1): The summon and request for information to members of House of Representatives related to criminal offenses that not related to the performance of the duties as referred in Article 224 shall obtain written approval from President after the consideration of House of Representatives ethics council (MKD).

Paragraph (2): The written approval referred to in paragraph (1) shall not apply if House of Representatives members :

a. caught red-handed in committing crime;

b. allegedly committing a criminal offense punishable by capital punishment or life imprisonment or criminal acts of crimes against humanity and state security on the basis of sufficient initial evidence; or

c. allegedly committed a special crime.

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