Jumat 02 Mar 2018 12:16 WIB

The real Muslim Cyber Army fight against hoax: ACTA

ACTA says Muslim Cyber Army is unorganized, unpaid and has no office and leader.

Rep: Fergi Nadira B, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
National Police Cyber Crime Unit hold press conference at its office, Jakarta, on Wednesday (Feb 28), related to the arrest of six people of the Family MCA in the case of alleged spreading fake news and hatred in social media.
Foto: Republika/Mahmud Muhyidin
National Police Cyber Crime Unit hold press conference at its office, Jakarta, on Wednesday (Feb 28), related to the arrest of six people of the Family MCA in the case of alleged spreading fake news and hatred in social media.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Advocates of Patriotism (ACTA) deputy chairman, Novel Bamukmin said the real Muslim cyber army would not spread fake news. Therefore, he questioned the identity of six people arrested by National Police Cyber Crime Unit on Wednesday.  

The police claimed the six suspects are administrators of Family Muslim Cyber Army (MCA) group who spread 15 fake news (hoax) of ulemas attack in West Java. "They must be investigated, whether they are the real MCA or not, because the original MCA fight against hoax and they have good attitude and moral," said Novel on Thursday (March 1).

National Police Cyber Crime Unit hold press conference at its office, Jakarta, on Wednesday (Feb 28), related to the arrest of six people of the Family Muslim Cyber Army in the case of alleged spreading fake news and hatred in social media.

According to Novel, MCA was born with the purpose to fight fake news from the rulers or government during Jakarta gubernatorial election 2012. At that time, Muslims were deceived by Jasmev, cyber army of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) who were running in the election. 

"If you want to see the evidence, you can see it in the eight million alumni of 212 rally. It was MCA work result," Novel added.

A number of suspects from the Family Muslim Cyber Army were shown during the press release of perpetrators who spread fake news and hatred at National Police Cyber Crime Unit, Jakarta, on Wednesday (Feb 28). 

According to Novel, in the second Defending Islam Action on November 4, 2017, MCA members revived without command. "They were aware on the importance of using social media --the most powerful weapon-- in fighting the defenders of religious blasphemer," he remarked. 

Novel said Jasmev became panic after being countered by MCA. Criminalization against ulemas and activists were then created to silence the MCA, he said.

Novel reiterated MCA members are unorganized, unpaid, and have no office and leader. The group could not be dissmissed as they only get command from God directly.


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