Jumat 02 Mar 2018 13:37 WIB

Police must be fair in fighting fake news spreader: Fadli

Fadli says so far police only targeted people who oppose the government.

Rep: Febrianto Adi Saputro, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
House of Representatives (DPR) deputy speaker Fadli Zon
Foto: Republika/Rakhmawaty La'lang
House of Representatives (DPR) deputy speaker Fadli Zon

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- House of Representatives (DPR) deputy speaker Fadli Zon said the police should be fair in combating the fake news (hoax) spreader. He assessed so far, police only took action against those who oppose the government.

"Meanwhile, if hatred comes from the pro to government side, there is no follow up to the case up until now," said Fadli at the Parliament complex on Thursday (March 1).

Fadli said the police's action should not be an attempt to kill democracy in Indonesia. He mentioned for many times cases of alleged hoax spreader groups ended up unproven.

"We must really check, what was spreaded. Is it a part of freedom of expression or what?" the Gerindra party politician remarked.

Furthermore, Fadli said by targeting Muslim groups solely, the injustice became more visible and as if Muslims always do evil things. "There is a law enforcement, but later there is no evidence and it targeted to the Muslims," Fadli said.

Fadli's comment appeared following the arrest of six administrators of the Family Muslim Cyber Army Group (MCA). According to the police, MCA syndicate is a group of people allegedly spreading hatred, humiliation and slander, pitting one against another and discrediting state leaders and officials.

Police said MCA case is similar to Saracen group. The MCA content which has gone viral includes the resurgence of the now defunct Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), the manhandling of ulemas, and the humiliation of religious and social figures as well as state leaders. Six perpetrators have been arrested in four different cities.

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