Selasa 06 Mar 2018 17:10 WIB

Tiger trespasses into village following habitat loss: Walhi

A tiger trespasses into village as the forests have become palm oil plantations.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Harimau Sumatera bernama ‘Tuan’ lahir di Portugal tapi sudah tinggal di Kebun Binatang Adelaide selama 13 tahun.
Foto: ABC
Harimau Sumatera bernama ‘Tuan’ lahir di Portugal tapi sudah tinggal di Kebun Binatang Adelaide selama 13 tahun.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- A tiger trespassed into Bangkelang Village in Mandailing Natal District owing to forest encroachment in the region, according to the Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi). Executive Director of North Sumatra Walhi Dana Prima Tarigan stated here on Tuesday that forests in the area had been exploited by people for personal gains.

Tarigan noted that several forest areas in Mandailing Natal District had been transformed into palm oil plantations.

"The activity affects the life of the tiger that entered the pit of a house. The community members then killed the tiger, as they were under threat," Tarigan remarked.

Forest encroachment has also destroyed the tiger's habitat and triggered a shortage of food, such as deer and other mammals.