Jumat 09 Mar 2018 15:23 WIB

Indonesia condemns violence in Eastern Ghouta

Violence in Syria, especially in Eastern Ghouta could not be justified.

Rep: Rizkyan Adhiyuda, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Children from Shifunieh village, Eastern Ghouta, Syria treated after being exposed to toxic gas on Sunday (Feb 25).
Foto: Mohammed Badra/EPA-EFE
Children from Shifunieh village, Eastern Ghouta, Syria treated after being exposed to toxic gas on Sunday (Feb 25).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian government affirmed that all forms of violence in Syria, especially in Eastern Ghouta could not be justified. Indonesia has asked access to humanitarian aid to the region must be opened.

"It is UN Security Council resolution that asked all the related parties in Syira to stop all the violences and open humanitarian access," said Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, Arrmanatha Nasir on Thursday (March 8).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Indonesia's attitude related to the conflict in Eastern Ghouta is in accordance and obedient to UN Security Council resolution. The attitude will also be showed and presented during Minister Retno LP Marsudi's visit to Rusia in this mid-March.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno is scheduled to visit Moscow, Rusia capital on March 13. She will meet her counterpart, Sergei Lavrov.

In the meeting, Retno and Lavrov will discuss the cooperation between two countries. Also, about Russia President Vladimir Putin's plan to visit Indonesia.

Eastern Ghouta is the last rebel-held enclave close to Syria's capital Damascus. The battle in the region, which is home to about 393,000 people, began on February 18. Many victims are reported as children.

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