Rabu 21 Mar 2018 07:38 WIB

Increasing plastic waste raises concern: Kehati

Garbage in the form of plastic and cork threaten human life and the environment.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Plastic waste.
Foto: Huffpost
Plastic waste.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- An environmental foundation has expressed concern over the increasing piles of plastics and Styrofoam garbage in the country. The Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (Kehati) stated on Tuesday that garbage generated from human activity, in the form of plastic and cork, has increasingly threatened human life and the environment.

"Plastic wastes and Styrofoam have threatened micro-plastic particles in Jakarta," Kehati Executive Director MS Sembiring stated in a press release received in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Quoting Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) data, Sembiring noted that Jakarta's garbage production was increasing every year. In 2016, waste production reached 7,099.08 cubic meters, an increase from the previous year, which was at 7.046.39 cubic meters.

Officers clean up waste in Kali Adem area, North Jakarta on January 1, 2018.

Out of all the garbage produced, only 84.7 percent could be transported. The rest is wasted in nature, including dumping into the sea.