Rabu 21 Mar 2018 08:23 WIB

PGI urges churches to maintain pluralism

PGI and MUI will seek ways to solve the problem in Jayapura.

Rep: Fuji Eka Permana / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Chairperson of PGI, reverend Henriette Tabita Lebang (left) meets with MUI chairman Kiai Ma'ruf Amin (right) at MUI office, Jakarta, on Tuesday (March 20).
Foto: Fuji EP
Chairperson of PGI, reverend Henriette Tabita Lebang (left) meets with MUI chairman Kiai Ma'ruf Amin (right) at MUI office, Jakarta, on Tuesday (March 20).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) officials visited the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in Jakarta to discuss polemic arose from Association of Churches in Jayapura District (PGGJ)'s statement over Muslims activities in the area. PGI affirmed that pluralism in Indonesia should be continuously maintained.

"I really appreciate PGI and MUI meeting this afternoon," Chairperson of PGI, reverend Henriette Tabita Lebang said on Tuesday.

PGI has met with MUI chairman Kiai Ma'ruf Amin. The two religious institutions agreed to seek ways to solve the problem. "As Pak (Mr) Kiai said, efforts have been done locally, both by Jayapura government and religious leaders. We hope and pray that they will find the best solution," reverend Henriette said to Republika.co.id at MUI office.

PGI and MUI along with other religious institutions would try to encourage positive development in Jayapura. Therefore, the diversity in the country could be maintained.

"Wherever we are, we should pay mutual respect, sustain, and seek solutions when facing differences. That's the spirit of brotherhood in diversity," he remarked.

Reverend Henriette urged the churches to maintain pluralism as God's gift. He reminded the difference should not be divisive. "Therefore we continue to encourage churches to take care of pluralism, it is a gift of God we need care," he explained.

Meanwhile, Kiai Ma'ruf said both parties were still trying to seek solution to PGGJ's objection against Muslims activities in Jayapura. MUI and PGi would offer and negotiate the solution to their respective path. 

"Every solution has its own strength and weakness, it's normal. There should be take and give. That's what we expect to happen there," he said.

In its statement, PGGJ rejected the construction of mosques which are taller than other buildings. In its statement, PGGJ has also rejected the use of loudspeakers for adzan (call to prayer) and the construction of mushollas (praying rooms) and mosques at public facilities. 

PGGJ has also banned female students of state schools from wearing religious attire and preachers from conducting Islamic propagation in Jayapura district.  


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