Senin 26 Mar 2018 13:08 WIB

Coffee, potential export commodity for Taiwan's market

Coffee exports from Indonesia to Taiwan reached US$2.89 million.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Fresh picked coffee bean.
Fresh picked coffee bean.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, TAIWAN -- Coffee is counted as one of the potential export commodities for the Taiwanese market. Indonesia's Trade Ministry's National Export Development Director General Arlinda stated that at a business forum in Taipei, Taiwan, on Saturday.

"Coffee is one of Indonesia's main export products, considering we are the fourth-largest coffee producer in the world and ranked seventh as the world's largest coffee exporter," Arlinda noted.

The exports of coffee in 2017 had increased by 17.71 percent compared with the previous year. Coffee exports from Indonesia to Taiwan reached US$2.89 million.

"I believe it has the potential for even greater exports," Arlinda added.