Selasa 27 Mar 2018 02:30 WIB

143 whirlwinds hit Padang Pariaman

The whirlwinds mostly occurred in February and August 2017.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Whirlwind. (Illustration)
Whirlwind. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PADANG PARIAMAN -- The Regional Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) of Padang Pariaman District, West Sumatra, has recorded 175 natural disasters to have hit the area with a total of 143 whirlwinds dominating the disasters in 2017. The whirlwinds mostly occurred in February and August 2017, which were recorded 15 times per month, followed by 13 times per month in January and June.

"There was an increase in whirlwinds compared to 2016, when it only occurred 132 times," Chief Executive of BPBD of Padang Pariaman, Budi Mulya stated here on Monday.

He explained that the disaster caused one death and injured five people in Pakandangan Village, Enam Lingkung Sub-district; one victim in Toboh Gadang Vilage, Toboh Gadang Sub-district; and one victim in Gadur Village, Enam Lingkung Sub-district.

In addition, there were 81 houses, three educational facilities, one worship facility, and one building damaged under light, medium, and heavy category, by this disaster, with an estimated loss reaching Rp2 billion.