Senin 02 Apr 2018 21:22 WIB

Medika Permata Hijau hospital nurses unveil Setnov's drama

The nurses admit that Setnov does not need to be bandaged.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Medika Permata Hijau hospital internist Bimanesh Sutarjo
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
Medika Permata Hijau hospital internist Bimanesh Sutarjo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Medika Permata Hijau Hospital nurse Indri Astuti unvieled the scenario set by an internist Bimanesh Sutarjo for Setya Novanto (Setnov) to evade from Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summon in an alleged e-ID card procurement graft case. The scenario was revealed during a hearing at Corruption Court in Jakarta on Monday (April 2).

"I was told by doctor Alia that she needed four senior nurses to treat a patient to be admited over vertigo, namely Setya Novanto," Indri said when testifying against suspect Bimanesh in an alleged obstruction of justice case.

According to doctor Alia, the procedure was safe to be performed as the hospital director knew it, Indri said. Doctor Alia was the manager in charge of medical services. She has resigned from the hospital following the incident. "I worried because I knew that the person is a corruptor," she said.

At around 19:00 pm, Bimanesh came to third floor and asked Indri whether the patient has arrived. Setnov has not arrived at that time.

Bimanesh then asked another nurse, namely Nurul, about Indri's condition as she looked scared. He ordered Indri to call him if there was something wrong. "He ask, "are you afraid?". I said, "Yes, doc.". Then, he told me to relax and not long after that the patient arrived," Indri added.

Indri was shocked to see Setnov was rushed to the inpatient room by security officers and driver. No nurse accompanied the patient. "He was laid in a gurney without nurse's assistance," she remarked.

Indri said that Bimanesh ordered her to stick the needle infusion to Setnov's arm. "Bimanesh told me to stick the needle infusion and I was shocked and I keep on inserting the needle infusion," Indri said.

Indri also was ordered to bandage Setnov's head. She did it along with Nurul. However, she admitted the former House of Representatives (DPR) speaker did not need to be bandaged. They both cried when realizing the mistakes.

However, Indri said she received payment for working overtime as much as Rp 800 thousand to treat Setnov.

She said that Bimanesh ordered her to stick the needle infusion to Setnov's arm. "Bimanesh told me to stick the needle infusion and I was shocked and I keep on inserting the needle infusion," Indri said.

Indri also was ordered to bandage Setnov's head. She did it along with Nurul. However, she admittedthe former House of Representatives (DPR) speaker did not need to be bandaged.

Indri received payment for working overtime as much as Rp 800 thousand.

Bimanesh as an internist at Medika Permata Hijau hospital allegedly conspired with Setnov’s ex lawyer Fredrich Yunadi to manipulate Setnov’s medical record. They made arrangement for Setnov to be hospitalized following a minor car accident in November 2017.

KPK has determined Bimanesh and Fredrich as suspect in obstructing investigating Setya Novanto. He allegedly violated Article 21 Law No. 31/1999 as amended by Law No. 20/2001 on Eradication Corruption, also in Article 55 paragraph (1) criminal code (KUHP).

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