REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Sukmawati Soekarnoputri apologized over her controversial poetry titled "Ibu Indonesia" (Indonesian mother). She said there was no intention of insulting Indonesian Muslims through the poem that she was read.
"With all my heart, I apologize for all Muslims in Indonesia," said Sukmawati in a press conference on Wednesday (April 4).
Sukmawati said she is the daughter of Indonesia's Founding Father who was also 1st president Soekarno. Her father was known as a Muhammadiyah figure and also got a title from Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).
Sukmawati explained that as a Muslim she felt grateful and proud of Islam as her religion. When reading her poem, she stressed there was no intention to insult Muslim.
Sukmawati read her poem on the commemoration of Anne Avantie's journey as kebaya (Javanese blouse) designer during Indonesia Fashion Week 2018 event at Jakarta Convention Center. In the first line of her poem, she wrote, "I did not understand about Islamic Sharia".
Then she also said that women with bun were prettier than women with veil. Sukmawati also mentioned about the sound of Indonesian mothers hymn that is more melodious than azan (call to prayer). The poetry was widely criticized as it was considered provoking about SARA (ethnicity, religion, and race).
In a press conference, Sukmawati also apologized to Anne Avantie and her family. She said all Indonesian designers to always be creative and productive.
"I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all Indonesian fashion designers to be creative and productive," Sukmawati said.

Sukmawati Sukarnoputri holds a press conference at Cikini, Jakarta, on Wednesday (April 4).
Meanwhile, a number of reports of blasphemy allegedly committed by Sukmawati were still rolling. In West Java, GP Ansor filed a police report on Sukmawati on Tuesday.
At the same day, lawyer Denny Andrian Kusdayat, Hanura Party politician Amron Asyhari, and Islamic Defender Association also made reports to Jakarta Police over Sukmawati's controversial poem. Indonesia Islamic Student Movement's (GMII) Legal Aid Agency also has made the same report.
After those reports, a group that called themselves as Alumni 212 also was said to report Sukmawati. Meanwhile, United Islamic Forum (FUIB) will file a police report against Sukmawati on Thursday (April 5).