Kamis 05 Apr 2018 01:09 WIB

Police reward security guards for revealing skimmer network

The security guards play an active role in helping secure the skimmers.

Head of the regional police, Inspector-General of Police Idham Azis, rewarded three security guards who helped reveal a network of 'skimmers', on Wednesday (April 4).
Foto: dok. Humas Polda Metro Jaya
Head of the regional police, Inspector-General of Police Idham Azis, rewarded three security guards who helped reveal a network of 'skimmers', on Wednesday (April 4).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Head of the regional police, Inspector-General of Police Idham Azis, rewarded three security guards who helped reveal a network of 'skimmers,' or bank breakers, who were involved in the theft of bank customer data. He expressed his gratitude to the security guards for playing an active role in helping secure the perpetrators of the skimming of bank account funds, which troubled the public.

"The sincerity of the security guards on duties may become an example for other security guards," he stated here on Wednesday.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner, Argo Yuwono, mentioned the three security guards, namely Muhammad Didik Suprayitno from Bank Mandiri, Adityo Rahmadi Saputra from Maybank, and Waluyo Supriatna from KFC ATM outlets.

Yuwono stated that the three security guards had helped police officers arrest and uncover three skimming groups, comprising of foreign and Indonesian citizens.

Earlier, members of Metro Jaya Police arrested a bank account breaker syndicate, consisting of five foreigners from Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and an Indonesian.

The perpetrators, identified as IRL, LNM, and ASC from Romania; FH from Hungary; BKV from Bulgaria; and MK from Indonesia, were arrested by officers at different locations.

Then, they arrested four foreigners, as other skimming actors, namely AVH and IVN from Bulgaria; VO from Chile; and YMH from Taiwan.

The international syndicate stole about three thousand customer data from 64 domestic and overseas banks in Indonesia.

sumber : Antara
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