Kamis 05 Apr 2018 17:49 WIB

Lawyer compares Sukmawati's case with Ahok's case

Lawyer Denny Andrian says it will be unfair if report against Sukmawati is revoked.

Rep: Kiki Sakinah, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Sukmawati Soekarnoputri (tengah) bersama Halida Hatta (kiri) foto bersama usai konferensi pers di Warung Daun, Cikini, Jakarta, Rabu (4/4).
Foto: Republika/Putra M. Akbar
Sukmawati Soekarnoputri (tengah) bersama Halida Hatta (kiri) foto bersama usai konferensi pers di Warung Daun, Cikini, Jakarta, Rabu (4/4).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Lawyer Denny Andrian Kusdayat would not revoke his report to the police against Sukmawati Soekarnoputri over blasphemy allegation. He compared it with previous case of blasphemy involving former Jakarta governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama "Ahok".

Denny explained has been jailed since May 2017 at National Polices Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters (Mako Brimob) detention facility in Depok, West Java. He was sentenced for his blasphemous statement regarding Al Maidah 51 Quranic verse.

According to Denny, it would be unfair if he revoked the report against Sukmawati. "Many people would think if Muslims were being selective because Ahok was brought to the court while Sukmawati who is a Muslim was not," he remarked.

Also read: Legal process against Sukmawati should be continued: FSLDK

Therefore, Denny wanted to continue the legal proceedings. He claimed that the reports represented all Muslims in Indonesia.

"Insya Allah (Gods will) we will continue to process this case, because if not, it will be a bad precedent for Muslims," said Denny on Thursday (5/4).

Sukmawati read her poetry titled "Ibu Indonesia" (Indonesian mother) on the commemoration of Anne Avanties journey as kebaya (Javanese blouse) designer during Indonesia Fashion Week 2018 event at Jakarta Convention Centre. In the first line of her poem, she wrote, "I did not understand about Islamic Sharia".

Then she also said that women with bun were prettier than women with veil. Sukmawati also mentioned about the sound of Indonesian mothers hymn that is more melodious than adzan (call to prayer). The poetry was widely criticized as it was considered provoking about SARA (ethnicity, religion, and race).

However, Sukamawati then conveyed her apologize over the controversial poetry. She said there was no intention to insult Indonesian Muslims. In tears, she said on Wednesday (April 4), "From the bottom of my heart, I apologize to the Muslims."

Denny was one of the people who filed police reports against Sukmawati. On Tuesday, Hanura Party politician Amron Asyhari, and Islamic Defender Association also made reports to Jakarta Police over Sukmawati's controversial poem. Indonesia Islamic Student Movement's (GMII) Legal Aid Agency also has made the same report.

After those reports, a group that called themselves as Alumni 212 also was said to report Sukmawati. Meanwhile, United Islamic Forum (FUIB) will file a police report against Sukmawati on Thursday (April 5).

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