REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) chairman Kiai Ma'ruf Amin hoped Indonesian Muslims to accept Sukmawati Soekarno Putri's apology over her controversial poem "Ibu Indonesia" (Indonesian mother"). He made the statement in a press conference following Sukmawati visit to MUI office to convey her apologize.
Kiai Ma'ruf said MUI would mediate the case if needed. He called on the people who have filed police report against Sukmawati to revoke the reports and put forward clarification and discussion in solving dispute between Muslims.
"I can only call on the people. For the sake of nation's unity, I hope those who insist to continue the legal process will change their mind," Kiai Ma'ruf said on Thursday (April 5).

MUI chairman KH Ma'ruf Amin (left) shakes hand with Sukmawati Soekarnoputri (right) in a press conference at MUI office, Jakarta, on Thursday (April 5).
According to Kiai Ma'ruf, Sukmawati has no intention at all to insult Islam. Moreover, Sukmawati has also apologized to the Muslims over her controversial poem through the media and also MUI.
"I think there's no harm in forgiving, especially because she has asked for an apology," he said.
Unlike blasphemy case involving former Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama "Ahok", MUI would not issue a fatwa on Sukmawati's case. The fatwa would only be issued if Sukmawati did not learn the lesson.
"She has apologized and admit her mistake. But if she challenges, we will issue a fatwa," Kiai Ma'ruf said.
At least 14 parties have filed police reports against Sukmawati. Kiai Ma'ruf said legal process was not necessary. "It will be a waste of energy and cause a commotion," he said.
Sukmawati read her controversial poetry on the commemoration of Anne Avantie's journey as kebaya (Javanese blouse) designer during Indonesia Fashion Week 2018 event at Jakarta Convention Centre. In the first line of her poem, she wrote I did not understand about Islamic Sharia.
Then she also said that women with bun were prettier than women with veil. Sukmawati also mentioned about the sound of Indonesian mothers hymn that is more melodious than adzan (call to prayer). The poetry was widely criticized as it was considered provoking about SARA (ethnicity, religion, and race).
However, Sukmawati then conveyed her apologize over her controversial poetry. She said there was no intention of insulting Indonesian Muslims through the poem.