Senin 09 Apr 2018 17:31 WIB

Young people must prepare for industrial revolution: Jokowi

Jokowi reminds the change will be very fast in the industrial revolution 4.0.

Rep: Dessy Suciati Saputri, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
President Joko Widodo conveys his speech before the second graders of SMA Taruna Nusantara in State Palace, Jakarta, Monday (April 9).
Foto: Antara/Wahyu Putro A
President Joko Widodo conveys his speech before the second graders of SMA Taruna Nusantara in State Palace, Jakarta, Monday (April 9).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked young generation to prepare themselves to face industrial revolution 4.0. He said industrial revolution 4.0 has an impact of up to three thousand times than the first evolution.

"Be careful because the change will be very fast. Who can anticipate and prepare for this?" said Jokowi to Taruna Nusantara students who attended at State Palace on Monday (April 9).

Jokowi said this rapid global change will affect the aspects of life. One of the aspects is job opportunities. He pointed out, industrial revolution 4.0 creates an advanced robotic, which has been used by some countries.

We can see at Changi Airport, Singapore now the cleaning staffs are robots, Jokowi added.

In addition, he said Dubai Government has announced will use 3D printing technology in the construction of 25 percent of new buildings in the next 20 years. The technology accelerates construction and is more cost-effective.

"It enable us to build house in one day and also with cheaper cost. Be careful with this so fast global change," said Jokowi.

However, Jokowi asked young generation to not worry and afraid to face this technological change and optimistic that Indonesia will become a big and strong country. He said young generation have to prepare by taking advantage of this revolution.

To face the industrial revolution 4.0, Jokowi said, the government has also been preparing for infrastructure development such as toll roads, ports, airports, etc. So it is expected to increase competition with other countries.

"If the foundations have not been resolved, don't think advance robotic, artificial intelligent and internet of thing," said Jokowi.

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