Rabu 11 Apr 2018 15:59 WIB

Republika awards 5 prominent figures as Tokoh Perubahan 2017

Tokoh Perubahan is an annual event held by Republika to honor the agent of change.

Rep: Idealisa Masyrafina / Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Awarding night of Tokoh Perubahan Republika at Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, Tuesday (April 10).
Foto: Republika/Edwin Dwi Putranto
Awarding night of Tokoh Perubahan Republika at Djakarta Theater, Jakarta, Tuesday (April 10).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA -- Republika hosted its annual award "Tokoh Perubahan" on Tuesday (April 10) night in Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta. Tokoh Perubahan 2017 was awarded to five prominent figures who were considered capable of making a contribution to the nation through real work in the community.

The award honored the initiative and works of the Managing Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Suprajarto, preacher Ustaz Abdul Somad, Minister of Public Works and Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, Vice Chairman of the Board of Mosque Indonesia (DMI) Commissioner General of Police Syafruddin, and owner of Trusmi Group Sally Giovanny. 

President Director BRI Suparjarto receives Tokoh Perubahan 2017 award at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (April 10).

Organizing Committee Chairman of Tokoh Perubahan Republika 2017, Indra Wisnu Wardhana explained that Republika really appreciate every change that has a positive impact in society. Therefore, the event is held as a form of gratitude to those who have worked sincerely in encouraging change.

"And this time, Tokoh Perubahan Republika 2017 carrying the theme of Strengthening the Nation, Unifying Knot," said Indra. 

Public Work and Housing (PUPR) Minister Basuki Hadimuljanto receives Tokoh Perubahan 2017 award at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (April 10).

In addition, this event Republika also aimed to motivate wider community to make positive changes that benefit the nation and the country. Another goal, namely to build a relationship and build networks between leaders with institutions / agencies and the wider community.

Owner Batik Trusmi Sally Giovanny receives Tokoh Perubahan 2017 award at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (April 10).

A number of achievements of selected figures are considered by committee worth to be rewarded. President Director of PT BRI Suprajarto, representing his company is considered to have a role to expand the reach of banking to the remote locations. The preacher ustaz Abdul Somad is considered unsaturated to encourage unity of people through his lectures. 

Preacher Abdul Somad receives Tokoh Perubahan 2017 award at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (April 10).

Minister of Public Work and Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, became the government's spearhead to build various infrastructure that will eventually make the breadth of Indonesia feels closer.

Vice chairman of the Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) Comissioner General of Police Syafruddin, is considered successful in expanding DMI network and making mosques in Indonesia more cohesive. Trusmi Group owner Sally Giovanny be regarded success to empower the surrounding community in Cirebon, West Java in preserving batik, one of the nation's unifying cultures.

President Commissioner Republika Erick Thohir (left) gives the throphy of Tokoh Perubahan 2017 to Deputy Chief of National Police Commissioner General Police Syafruddin (central) witnessed by Editor in Chief Republika Irfan Junaidi (right) at Djakarta Theater, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (April 10).

Held since 2005, there were a lot of figures on this event who occupied the highest rein in the country. Among these were former President RI Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono who won the award in 2005, Jusuf Kalla as chairman of the Indonesian Red Cross in 2010, and President Joko Widodo as mayor of Solo in 2010.

Nevertheless, Tokoh Perubahan were also stories of individuals like most Indonesians whose capabilities seek to pave the way to better change. Last year, for example, there was a woman from Yogyakarta, Mursida Rambe, who pushed resistance to loan sharks through the establishment of BMT Beringharjo in a market of the same name. 

There was also Mother Robin Lim a woman from the United States who selflessly help women to gave birth in Bali and H Artim Yahya, the founder of Koperasi Tani Maju Bersama in West Lombok, NTB. 

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