Kamis 12 Apr 2018 08:47 WIB

Jusuf Kalla warns EU on discriminatory policy against CPO

Indonesia can stop imports from European countries if the ban on CPO continues.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Indonesia to ask Malaysia as another major producer of palm oil to establish negotiation team on CPO import policy in Europe. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/Feri
Indonesia to ask Malaysia as another major producer of palm oil to establish negotiation team on CPO import policy in Europe. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla has warned the European Union not to impose a discriminatory policy on Indonesian crude palm oil and its derivative products by banning the product for biofuel in the region. He reminded that Indonesia also could apply the same policy to the European Union. 

"Do not discriminate against, because we can also take the same policy. We warn Europe that we are one of their biggest buyers of Airbus for instance by Garuda, Lion Air and others," Kalla said here on Wednesday.

He reiterated that Indonesia could stop imports from European countries if the ban on crude palm oil as motor fuel would be continued.

The government, therefore, has continued negotiations to maintain smooth cooperation in trade with European Union countries, to increase economic growth.