Senin 30 Apr 2018 16:46 WIB

Flying health care team visits Asmat villages in Papua

Flying health care team to assist the recovery and monitoring health of Asmat people.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Food supplies and medicine arrives in Ewer, Asmat, Papua, on Monday (Jan 29). The Ministry of Health has been monitoring health status of Asmat people following measles outbreak and malnutrition occuring from Sept 2017 to early 2018.
Foto: Antara/M Agung Rajasa
Food supplies and medicine arrives in Ewer, Asmat, Papua, on Monday (Jan 29). The Ministry of Health has been monitoring health status of Asmat people following measles outbreak and malnutrition occuring from Sept 2017 to early 2018.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A Flying Health Care (FHC) team of the Ministry of Health has visited villages in the Asmat district, Papua Province. They were assigned to monitor health condition and conduct medical treatment to local inhabitants.

The FHC team for Asmat visited Nakai, Aou and Aoap, Kapi, As and Atat villages in Pulau Tiga District to conduct health services under the mobile health center program, the Ministry of Health said in a statement here on Monday.

The FHC V team which assigned to Asmat in the last 17 days is in charge of assisting the recovery and monitoring the health of the Asmat people following the outbreaks of measles and malnutrition recently.

In the activity, the team found a resident who had fallen from a bridge and get injured on the scrotum. In addition, the medical staff treated a child who had arm fracture in Nakai Village.