Kamis 03 May 2018 21:23 WIB

KPAI visits mother of Monas incident victim

AR's mothers says no medical personel redied in the tent.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Accompanied by lawyer Muhammad Fayyadh, the parent of R, dead victim in Monas incident, hold a press conference at Pademangan Barat, North Jakarta, on Tuesday (May 1).
Foto: Republika/Umi Nur Fadhilah
Accompanied by lawyer Muhammad Fayyadh, the parent of R, dead victim in Monas incident, hold a press conference at Pademangan Barat, North Jakarta, on Tuesday (May 1).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Representative of Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), on Thursday (May 3), paid a visit to the family of AR, a 10 years-old boy died in For You Indonesia event at Monas area, Central Jakarta. According to KPAI Commissioner Sitti Hikmawatty, AR's mother assessed the charity committee was not ready to organize an event attended by a large crowd.

"Medical facility and security are not balanced with the amount of mass coming," Sitti said after visiting AR's mother at Budi Mulya Street, West Pademangan, North Jakarta.

On the other hand, AR's mother said it was difficult to recognize the committee in middle of the crowd. Forum untuk Indonesia members did not wear specific attribute as identification.

Also read: KPAI to summon Forum untuk Indonesia over Monas incident

Sitti explained that AR needed help after being trampled by the crowd. He was then brought to the medical tent to get help. However, AR’s mother found no medical personnel readied.

"Organizations of the committee are classified as risky while they should be able to estimate how many personnel are needed for certain mass, especially since the basic foods coupons have also been calculated and distributed," he said.

Earlier, Jakarta Provincial Government has asked Forum untuk Indonesia to take responsibility on deadly incidents. The provincial government has given strict instructions to related departments to ask responsibility to the committee.

"There are four responsibilities that we want from the event committee," said Jakarta Deputy Governor, Sandiaga Uno on Wednesday (May 2).

Jakarta citizens flocked in Monas area, Central Jakarta, to get free sembako (basic needs) parcel during For You Indonesia event held by Forum untuk Indonesia on Saturday (April 28).

Sandiaga demands indemnify to the event committee. They also have to restore facilities and infrastructure back to normal.

For You Indonesia committee also should apologize for profiteering Jakarta Provincial Government logo, he said.

"They also must bear the consequences and follow the legal proceedings," Sandiaga explained.

AR and MJ (12) died after attending For You Indonesia event held at Monas area, Jakarta, on Saturday (April 28). AR came with his mother, while MJ went to the venue with his friends.

AR's mother has filed a police report against Forum untuk Indonesia as their negligence allegedly has claimed the life of her son.

Meanwhile, chairman of committee For You Indonesia, Dave Santosa denied cause of death of two children was because of jostling when queuing for free basic needs (sembako) parcels. Evaluation result of the event concluded that there was no report of stampedes or commotion during the event.

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