Kamis 10 May 2018 19:58 WIB

Operation against terror inmates ends after 36 hours

Earlier, 155 terrorist detainee surrender following riot at Mako Brimob.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Operation to free people held hostage by terrorist convicts at Mako Brimob, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, on Thursday (May 10).
Foto: Dok Mabes Polri
Operation to free people held hostage by terrorist convicts at Mako Brimob, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java, on Thursday (May 10).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Deputy Police Chief of the National Force Commissioner Police General Syafruddin stated that the operation to counter the hostage-taking incident, conducted by terror inmates at the Kelapa Dua Prison, West Java, has ended after 36 hours. The countermeasure operation ended at 7:15 a.m. local time.

He further stated that 156 terrorism inmates were involved in the incident, in which nine police officers were taken hostages. Out of nine police officers who were taken hostages, five had fallen and four others were wounded.


Weaponry left by terror inmates in one of the rooms at Mako Brimob Detention Facility, Kelapa Dua, West Java, on Thursday (May 10).

Syafruddin also revealed that the countermeasure operation ended after the 155 terror inmates surrendered themselves. One terror convict and five policemen died in the riot.

He reaffirmed that there were neither any negotiation processes nor any agreements or bargaining between officers and the inmates involved in the operation.

Terror convicts at Mako Brimob Prison, Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java surrender themselves to the police on Thursday (May 10).

He revealed that he led the operation himself, involving all personnel and elements of the force. Syafruddin disclosed that the success of the operation to minimize the death toll was due to the patience and determination of the members of the police involved in the operation.

On that occasion, Syafruddin apologized to all Indonesians who had devoted their time to think about the situation. On behalf of the Indonesian Police institution, Syafruddin also offered his condolences to the families of the victims.

The Deputy Chief even outlined the reasons for limiting the media crew access and for securing the radius around the Kelapa Dua prison in Depok for the sake of security.

He revealed that the perpetrators controlled firearms from members of the Police with a range of fire up to 500 meters and 800 meters and were at risk of harming people around the scene.

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