Kamis 17 May 2018 17:00 WIB

TNI to be involved in critical situation: House member

House agree to involve TNI in tackling terrorist but only in critical situation.

Rep: Umar Mukhtar, Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
House of Representatives (DPR) Commission III member Arsul Sani
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
House of Representatives (DPR) Commission III member Arsul Sani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- House of Representatives (DPR) Commission III member Arsul Sani said special committee Draft Law on Terrorism has agreed Indonesian Military (TNI) must be involved in countering terrorism. However, TNI will only be involved when the country is in a critical situation.

"For example, when government considers the scale of threat is very critical because of such massive and widespread terrorist attacks, or the movement of terrorist groups is in the area that is difficult to access by the police, said Arsul on Thursday (May 17).

Arsul said although involvement of TNI is agreed, the details of revisions and mechanisms should still be poured in presidential regulation (perpres). It needed as political decision of the state that gives authority to the President to involve the TNI in countering terrorism.

With the presidential regulation, president has the authority to determine when the military is involved in tackling terrorists without having to consult with House of Representatives in every terrorism case. Involvement of TNI is based on situational condition.

In presidential regulation, president also may choose to form Koopssusgab (Joint Special Operation Command), Asrul added.

Earlier, House of Representatives speaker Bambang Soesatyo said Draft Law on Terrorism will be passed during parliament session in this month or June. He asked government to have one voice to agree the finalization the revision of the Bill on Terrorism.

Bambang stressed that government must solve the internal problem to agree Draft Law on Terrorism. Earlier, he explained that some 99 percent of Parliament has agreed to the terrorism bill that is ready to be legalised before recess during the past trial. However, the government has called to postpone it, as no agreement has been reached on the definition of terrorism.

National Police chief Tito Karnavian had urged House of Representatives to immediately pass Terrorism Bill following bomb explosions in three churches in Surabaya on last May 13 and a number of terror attacks recently. In the current Anti-Terrorism Act, National Police's anti-terrorism squad Densus 88 can act only if terror suspects are operating or in the presence of obvious evidence.

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