REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) responded quickly related to the handling of Surabaya terror attacks victims. At least there were eight people that asked protection from LPSK.
LPSK has formed quick reaction team related to terror attacks that happened at National Police Mobile Brigade headquarters (Mako Brimob) in Kelapa Dua, Depok in West Java and Surabaya in East Java, said LPSK chairman Abdul Haris Semendawai in a press conference at LPSK office, East Jakarta on Wednesday (May 23).
Through the quick reaction team, LPSK has met three police officers who become victims. LPSK along with National Polices Densus 88 counterterrorism squad will work together to provide services to the victims of terror attacks.
A series of terror attacks recently happened in Surabaya, followed a bloody riot only three days earlier caused by around 150 terrorist suspects breaking their cells and killing five police officers at Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua, Depok.

Terror inmates came out of National Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters (Mako Brimob) detention facility at Kelapa Dua, Depok, West Java on Thursday (May 10). The police lost its control to the prison for 36 hours following a bloody riot on Wednesday (May 9).
The series of suicide bombings in Surabaya began on Sunday (May 13) morning at around 07.30 am at three houses of worship, namely the Catholic Church of Immaculate Santa Maria (SMTB), the Indonesian Christian Church (GKI) on Diponegoro Surabaya street and Pentecostal Church on Arjuno Surabaya street.
LPSK has recorded as many 47 injured victims of terror attacks in Surabaya. There where also eight people who died and the number is except seven childs of terror suspects who suffered injuries.

Rescue team evacuate victims of suicide bombing at Indonesian Christian Church (GKI), Diponegoro street, Surabaya, East Java on Monday (May 13).
From the number, there are eight people applied for protection to LPSK and there is possibility for the other victims who will get service from LPSK and we also study whether it may be a witness in this case," LPSK deputy chairman Hasto Atmojo Suroyo explained.