Jumat 01 Jun 2018 02:00 WIB

BNPT-Ministry to share information on foreign terrorists

Currently BNPT had no way of monitoring Indonesians who went to Syria to join ISIS.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
BNPT chief, Comm. Gen Suhardi Alius
Foto: Republika/Iman Firmansyah
BNPT chief, Comm. Gen Suhardi Alius

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT) has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Legal and Security Ministry to share information and data on foreign terrorist fighters and jailed terrorists. The BNPT chief, Comm. Gen Suhardi Alius, signed the MoU with the Legal and Security Affairs Minister, Yasonna Laoly, here on Thursday.

Suhardi said the law on anti-terror and this MoU would help the government combat terrorism better.

On the MoU to exchange information on foreign terrorist fighters, Suhardi said currently the agency had no way of monitoring Indonesians who went to Syria to join the radical group ISIS.

Also read: Citizens returning from Syria must join deradicalization program: BNPT

"Similarly with foreigners who may enter Indonesia to launch terror acts. The flow of Indonesians and foreigners must be monitored by the ministry's Directorate-General of Immigration," said Suhardi.

On the terrorists in jails, he said the agency had worked on coordination with the Directorate of Deradicalisation and the Director-General of Correctional Institutions. In addition to expanding facilities in prisons, the cooperation had also covered psychiatric treatment for terrorists and development of capacity and protection for officers.

Yasonna Laoly said the MoU would support the current cooperation on deradicalisation of jailed terrorists. "We will also encourage cooperation on sharing of information on foreign terrorist fighters and terrorism inmates."

The cooperation was expected to improve the accuracy of data from both institutions to handle terrorism, he said.

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