Kamis 07 Jun 2018 16:07 WIB

Police reveals constraint in probing Habib Rizieq's case

Police have not questioned the uploader of steamy chat allegedly involving Rizieq.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
National Police spokesman, Mohammad Iqbal
Foto: Republika/Arif Satrio Nugroho
National Police spokesman, Mohammad Iqbal

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- National Police said alleged pornography case involving Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) head Habib Rizieq Shihab potentially to be dismissed. The investigation has been constrained by the non existence of information from the uploader.

Investigators who handle the case must check the uploader of the chat first and it has not been done, said National Police spokesman, Mohammad Iqbal on Wednesday (June 6).

However, Iqbal did not explain the reason.

Earlier, Habib Rizieq's lawyer, Kapitra Ampera said police has dismissed the case. According to him, Jakarta Police has issued investigation termination warrant (SP3) some time ago.

However, Jakarta Police have not given official information to public regarding Habib Rizieq's status and his case. Kapitra also refused to comment further on the background of police's decision.

Let the police explains to public about legal certainty of Habib Rizieq's case because it concerns the person right of life, said Kapitra.

Habib Rizieq Shihab leads Noon prayers at his residence in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He has been in the Holy Land since April 2017.

Habib Rizieq was named as a suspect in a pornograpy case that came to light when sexually explicit WhatsApp chats allegedly exchanged between him and Firza Husein leaked online. Firza also has been named suspect. According to the police, the chat was spread by Anonymous.

Habib Rizieq was named a suspect without undergoing questioning as he had evaded two summons from the police. He allegedly violated Article 4 paragraph 1 juncto Article 6 juncto Article 32 and Article 9, juncto Article 35 Law No. 44/2008 on pornography.

Habib Rizieq left Indonesia to Saudi Arabia in April 2017 to perform Umrah (minor hajj) with his family. On May 2017, police named him a suspect.

Currently, Habib Rizieq still in Mecca. Kapitra expected his client could return to Indonesia after police announcement on termination of his case.

Previously, police have dismissed alleged Pancasila defamation case involving Habib Rizieq as suspect in jurisdiction of West Java Provincial Police. According to his other lawyer, Sugito Atmo Pawiro the case was dismissed since it did not meet criminal elements.

The police has examined some witnesses and expert witnesses on the alleged insult of Pancasila case that was reported by Sukmawati Soekarnoputri. Meanwhile, Police Director General of West Java Police commissioner Umar Surya Fana said SP3 of Rizieq's case issued around last February to March.

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