Selasa 19 Jun 2018 09:15 WIB

Return flow of Lebaran travelers smooth: Minister

Transportation Minister says reverse flow has not reached its peak.

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BATANG -- Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the return flow of Eid or Lebaran 2018 travelers was still smooth. He made the conclusion based on air monitoring results.

"We see that there are queues around the Kalikuto Gringsing Bridge, but this is not significant," he stated in Batang, Central Java, on Monday.

According to him, the vehicle queue is because there are two paths leading to Jakarta, with one being the entrance to the Kalikuto toll bridge and another being the national road lane.

"As the reverse flow has not reached its peak, the condition can still be controlled. The peak of the reverse flow is predicted to occur on June 19 and June 20, 2018," he revealed.

Nevertheless, he added that although the current condition of the reverse flow is still relatively quiet, travelers are advised to avoid traveling home on that dates.

Also read: Eid al-Fitr exodus smooth: Transportation Minister

"We have to learn this because it has not been the peak point for the backflow. There may be a peak of traffic flow starting from Monday afternoon (June 18)," he explained.

He added that he had visited the Pantura and Batang-Semarang toll roads as part of a series of efforts to maximize the readiness of the rest area, which is located in the sections between Batang and Cikopo toll road.

In addition, he elaborated that his ministry also ensures the availability of fuel supplies from Pertamina and health services in the rest area.

"We are ready to work fully on various tasks with the Ministry of Transportation, the National Police, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Pertamina, Jasa Marga road construction firm to anticipate the peak of the reverse flow," he pointed out.

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